Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Fit for Fashion

Fit For Fashion : While being healthy is an excellent reason to get fit ,  fashion is also a  great motivator ! There are worlds of fashion out there just waiting for you to try all the different styles ! When you are fit , you can wear just about anything and still look good! Fitness isn't simply a matter of being slim , but rather ,  a fit person also has a healthy complexion , rosy skin , bright eyes and shiny hair. These attributes also contribute to looking great in your clothes ! Fitness means that you are getting all your necessary vitamins, minerals and amino acids. It also means that you are getting the right amounts of exercise, sunlight , and sleep ! When you have covered all the aforementioned bases , then you will be truly fit ! 

Let's begin with the rosy cheeks and clear complexion. Why does fitness affect our skin this way? Well, if you are getting a fair amount of exercise ( a half hour to two hours a day ) the blood then has an easier time circulating and carrying that wonderful oxygen to all the internal organs and of course to the largest organ of all : your skin ! This hastens the entire body's cleaning system and it clears away dead skin cells faster and removes any other  toxins from your system, leaving your skin clear and cheeks glowing with health! 

You may be wondering at this point, what is the correct amount of exercise. There is no " correct " amount . To each his own. This means that you need to determine how much exercise , and at what speeds, feel good to you. Try fifteen minutes twice a day. If that does not feel like enough, then you have the option to go for a half an hour. Some people don't feel good till they have done two hours every day, but it is not recommended for everyone. Two hours is not healthy for a beginner ! 

Getting enough sunlight :  People often drive to all their destinations. This makes it difficult , if not impossible to get  sunlight every day.  Centuries ago , people naturally spent more time outdoors, because farming was a way of life ! If you are not a farmer today , and your career doesn't take you outdoors , then you might have to make time BEFORE work everyday, say at 6:30 A.M. to take a half hour walk. If you make your own hours or your job takes you outdoors ,(  as a neighborhood delivery person , for example ) that would give you more of an opportunity to get your daily outdoor time . Getting enough sunlight actually leads us to the next topic of health necessity...having a full 6 to 8 hours of sleep each night .

Getting enough sleep : What's the connection ? Simply , if someone has not gotten enough outdoor time during his/her day, that person may very well find themself unable to sleep well , that same night. The brain depends on enough outdoor time in order to be able to sleep at night. The entire system depends on enough exercise for ease of sleeping at the end of your day. Additionally , without filling your nutritional needs , a person gets tense , wired or stressed and that also prevents the neccessary relaxed state that sleeping requires. If you leave out ANY of these requirements for fitness, you may find that it throws off your health balance . You can be eating the right foods , but without the outdoor time...you may still develope headaches and/or problems sleeping . Man ( or woman) was not meant to live indoors 24/7 . My example goes way back in history to the first man and woman : Adam and Eve , who were constantly out and about ! Certainly they did not hide away inside a house, factory , or office  all day!

 Your fitness begins with you ! Fitness depends on you deciding that you will make time for the outdoors , sunshine, exercise, and eating right , every single day ! Sarah's Fitness & Fashion is all about helping you sort out , your own path to fitness and looking good !
(The writer/producer of this piece has the copywrights and any attempt to copy or plagiarize for sales or profit of any kind,  will be penalized to the full extent of the law as well as brought to lawsuit. ) 

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