Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Getting the World Fit and Healthy

Getting the World Fit and Healthy :  

Imagine the world as ONE BODY .  A few cells go wrong in the body and if this is not immediately tended to , it can spread and become a serious illness. Today , the world is seriously ill . Everything begins with a thought. Someone had a greedy, corrupt or immoral thought and then ACTED on it. Sure there were groups along the way who
tried to  " save the whales" or the baby seals , and the ozone layer , or the almost extinct , exotic animals . Unfortunately , it was not enough , maybe because they did not ask a higher power for help ;  meanwhile ,  the corrupt of our world , did not fear a higher power, so they continued along with their corruption and greed. It is a pity to see some people destroy themselves due to their own incapability to stop and take note of their self serving or arrogant ways . 
our beautiful planet

Why is it , that one human being will see a flower and enjoy how it looks , care for it , and maybe even set up a protective gate around it , in order to keep it alive as long as possible ; but another human being , made of the very same flesh and blood , will pick the flower for his own uses ( for the vase on his breakfast table or to impress his girl etc. ) or stomp on it and build something in it's place with no thought at all for the value of that flower ( or tree...or even person). The difference in these two people can be A) ignorance B) greed C) a total lack of caring having been replaced by cruelty  or D) arrogance ( he
thinks he is right in all that he does . ) 

Greed comes from a feeling of deprivation . Perhaps it may be seen as ambition at first , however the results of the ambitious person's endeavors are the "tell" of whether it was ambition or deprivation feelings all along. 

HOW TO HEAL GREED :  Negative emotions , such as greed , is an illness just as much as cancer ; and it proceeds to destroy the fabric of life , if followed up by greedy actions.  Keep in mind , that no one can force a healing on a greedy person. This is written for the greedy person , who acknowledges his own condition and WANTS to heal . As we have said before , it stems from a feeling of deprivation and dissatisfaction with what he already has. It may also start as an urge to prove oneself and end up as a habitual need for more and more money or accomplishments. 
people enjoying earth
NOW THAT WE HAVE EXPLAINED WHAT IT IS ; we can approach how to heal it. A greedy person who wants to change his ways ,  needs regular daily focus, ( at least  ten minutes , twice daily) on all the good things he has in life already, and this should include people that he loves, and not only material things. He/she can start with this exercise, and after two weeks of practicing it, the
enjoying the fruit of the earth
next step will be to search his own motives for the work he does, or any projects he is involved with .  Start with only ONE project or job . Ask yourself, "what is my goal in doing this? Will it benefit mankind? Will it harm anyone in the process?"  If you are a G-d fearing person , maybe ask yourself " Would G-d approve ? " . It is time to take responsibility for our actions as human beings . 
animal enjoying earth

There has been a growing trend in television programs and the general thinking of the public, to consider life on other planets , incase they  have ruined this one ! I  believe that our planet still does and ALWAYS WILL have hope ! There are still many health enthusiasts who understand the connection between our personal health , individual mindsets , and the earth's condition . They will
continue to stand strong and act upon their G-d given rights to a healthy earth ! I for one am not interested in other planets and am not willing to give up on our incredible earth !  
(The writer of this and other articles , blogs,and  posts, has full copywrites on this and other articles under " Sarah's Fashion and Fitness".  Any person or organization, attempting to copy or  plagiarize this and /or the other articles, , for sales or profit of any kind will be penalized to the full extent of the law.)                             
                                                                      Lets not take all this for granted ! !
   More progress ??   

I say " if it isn't broken . . . don't fix it !"  Too much progress can ruin this earth ! Too much of anything, cannot be beneficial LOVE YOUR EARTH enough to be willing to do whatever it takes ... even giving up your car or dreams for another factory !

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